UFO Reading

UFOs and Nuclear Weapons

UFOs and Nukes Robert Hastings documentary

House Committee Hearing on Alien Life


House Committee alien life extraterrestrialOn December 4th 2013, the House Science Committee held a two-hour hearing about scientific approaches to identifying extraterrestrial life. The meeting had the title ‘Astrobiology: The Search for Biosignatures in Our Solar System and Beyond’ and the U.S. House of Representatives had invited three expert witnesses to sit on the panel:

•    Mary Voytek, Senior Scientist for Astrobiology in the Science Mission Directorate at NASA headquarters.
•    Sara Seager, Professor of Physics and of Planetary Science at M.I.T.
•    Steven J. Dick, Baruch S. Blumberg Chair of Astrobiology at the Library of Congress.

Several topics were on the agenda: primarily biosignatures but also funding of research as well as the question of how to motivate young people to engage in the search for extraterrestrial life.

Read more: House Committee Hearing on Alien Life

Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr. has passed away

We are sad to hear that Jesse Marcel Jr. has just passed away. Marcel was a legend within ufology and one of the most prominent people associated with the alleged crash at Roswell in 1947.


Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (April 29 - May 3) was conducted at the National Press Club in Washington DC. Former members of congress participated and gave an impression of how an official congressional hearing might play out. Visit the Citizen Hearing's website for press releases, streaming, media coverage osv. We were present at the hearings in Washington. Read article in the Huffington Post. Read article in the examiner.com. Search e.g. "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure" on Youtube for more footage.

Brazil: Ministry invites UFO researchers

The Brasilian Ministry of Defence invited UFO researchers from the organisationA.J. Gevard UFO Brasilien "Committee of UFO Researchers" (CBU) to a formal meeting with representatives from the armed forces. Alejandro Rojas writes in an article (April 26) in Open Minds Magazine that the meeting took place on April 18th 2013. It seems that all the parties involved were satisfied with the results. Ari Matos, the secretary of the Ministry's "Institutional Coordination Organization" assured the researchers that more documents will be declassified and that they will be handled through Brazil's Access Information Act. A.J. Gevaerd, editor from Brazil's UFO magazine, stated that the meeting was historic and that it was the first time that a Ministry of Defence had invited UFO researchers to an official meeting to discuss the UFO phenomenon. The event was a result of a petition held at a UFO conference and it is a good example of far South America has come when it comes to openness about UFOs. Read more in Open Minds Magazine.
